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Bungarley Ewes at Sunset

Bungarley Australian White stud was established in 2011. We were looking for a sheep breed to run alongside our other business interests when an opportunity to be involved in a new Australian sheep breed came to our attention which we could not resist.

It was a self-replacing, easy care, haired meat sheep. Demonstrating great shape and fantastic growth with the huge added bonus of brilliant temperament and great feet, it was the Australian White.

With the genetic pool forever increasing and selection of stock scrutinising ‘’Bungarley’’ Aussie Whites has been able to increase the quality of our stock to become a high muscled, quick growth, low maintenance, self-replacing Australian prime lamb sheep breed.



When we select our stud and commercial stock we keep in focus the end product. We want to sell high quality prime lamb. Being able to turn your lambs off sooner, with them weighing heavier at younger ages with the least amount of production cost, is the key.

We select our Australian Whites for high muscle and quick growth. They need to be able to carry this muscle and growth with good structure, sound feet and legs and great walkability. It’s essential that the sheep move freely and easily through any terrain to graze, find water and very importantly to mate!!

The Australian White has a very pleasant temperament making it easy for anyone to handle. We find they’re not flighty in stock yards and they’re definitely not hard on fences. This plays a part in their fantastic mothering ability and exceptional fertility and weaning %. The ewes lamb with ease having lambs that are born quite small with the absolute will to live from day one.

The ewes are very protective of their lambs from birth and the Australian White has even been seen to mob up together when under threat from a predator with protection in numbers always the winner.


The Australian White is a non-selective grazier. They eat what’s in front of them instead of chasing better pasture. The Australian White can utilise most feed and do well on varied types of feed all year round.

The shedding breeds are a very exciting and increasingly important part of the high performance prime lamb industry.

The breed is an absolute pleasure to work with. Turning out low maintenance, high quality lambs is our no. 1 goal. With inputs being so expensive it’s essential to manage these costs and keep them to a basic minimal without letting quality slide. We think The Australian White is definitely on its way to meeting this goal.



0428 287 944

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