Our properties Bungarley and Afton are situated in the Tarcutta area running the Bungarley Stud alongside commercial Australian white flock and cattle. In our commercial enterprise we are able to put our rams to the test, using data collected on weather lambs and maiden ewes throughout the season. This gives us a great measure of how our stock perform in the commercial business model and lets us make decisions for a commercial enterprise with experience.
I grew up on a sheep, cattle, vineyard and commercial vegetables property with my family near Murrumbateman. Leaving after school to gain experience I studied agriculture for two years and then started working in the agriculture/sheep industry for the next 20 years on numerous sheep enterprises mainly focused on the fat lamb job.
My wife Peta and I were invited to be involved with the Australian Whites by Graham Gilmore Tattykeel in 2010 receiving their first group of Australian White ewes soon after. We have learnt so much during the last 13 years in this breed and have watched it grow into a powerhouse of a breed.